MPhil-PhD Programme Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

Class Code: GPAD5111
Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Title: Adv Soc Sci Research Methods

Professor Pierre Francois LANDRY

Period: We 05:30PM - 08:15PM
Location: Online

This course seeks to help post-graduate students engage with advanced quantitative issues in social science research. The course is organized around modules based on (hard) methodological challenges that social science researchers must confront at the stage of research design or data analysis, or both. The course is conceived as the last course in quantitative training to be offered for second year postgraduate students who are in the process of crafting their own thesis proposal. This course follows GPAD5055 or equivalent. Students who have not passed GPAD5055 need the instructor’s permission to enroll.