Undergraduate Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

Class Code: GPAD2185
Academic Year: 2018 - 2019
Title: International Organizations

DR LI Hak Yin

Period: Th 02:30PM - 05:15PM
Location: UCA_312

This course is designed for undergraduate students who are either interested in social/political studies in general or international affairs in particular.  As the course title states, the course introduces main categories of organizations that play important roles in today's world: 1) the United Nations; 2) regional inter-governmental organizations, e.g., the EU; 3) issue specific international regime and institution, e.g., WTO; 4) transnational non-governmental organizations, e.g., Greenpeace. When studying these organizations, particular attention will be paid to organizational history, structures, decision-making processes, and political effect. In addition, this course also leads students through the main theoretical frameworks developed by international relations scholars to explain the political relevance of international organizations.