2005-2014 Thesis Titles Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

thesis title


Name Supervisor Programme Title
HAO Ying Prof. KUAN Hsin-chi PhD 假想敵還是真正的敵人? 天主教會在中國與中共的宗教控制
CHAK Chui-ting Prof. MA Ngok MPhil Party Adaptation to Post-materialism: Comparing the UK and Taiwan
CHAN Ka-ming Prof. William SMITH MPhil The Basic Structure Debate and Cohen's Egalitarian Ethos
LEE Po-chiu Prof. NG Kai-hon MPhil Attitudinal Ambivalence and Framing Effect : An Interaction Analysis
LI Yue Prof. WU Fengshi MPhil Grooming Active Citizenship from the Margin : Grassroots NGO Civic Education in Authoritarian China 
ZHANG Shiyu Prof. William SMITH MPhil Religion and Politics in Hobbes's Leviathan
ZHOU Haoyue Prof. ZHAN Jing MPhil Analyzing the Effectiveness of China's Urban Land Centralization – An Empirical Study on 13 Cities from Jiangsu Province


Name Supervisor Programme Title
DUAN Haiyan Prof. ZHAN Jing PhD 礦業資源與中國地方治理
JIANG Lu Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 官僚與制度演化: 中國職業安全保護制度改革的案例研究
PENG Minggang Prof. WU Fengshi PhD 間斷均衡與中國地方環境治理邏輯
WANG Weihua Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 發動群眾 – 革命、建政與改革時期中國共產黨的社會動員
YU Qin Prof. Wilson WONG Wai-ho PhD 中國大陸反腐敗資源投入: 地區間差異、成因及影響
ZHUANG Wenjia Prof. LI Lianjiang PhD 調解的政治學: 中國勞動爭議中的國家與社會
CHOI Chun-wai Prof. Wilson WONG Wai-ho MPhil 香港法律體系的建立, 1948-67 : 一個政治地理的分析
QIN Shuang Prof. ZHAN Jing MPhil Political Ambiguity and Policy Implementation in Contemporary China
YANG Shen Prof. WU Fengshi MPhil A Challenge to the Propaganda State : Explaining the Impact of Micro-blog on Information Control in China
YET Kam-hon Prof. NG Kai-hon MPhil From Online Discussion to Offline Collective Action : A Case Study of 2010 Cantonese Protection Movement


Name Supervisor Programme Title
HAN Jia Prof. LI Lianjiang PhD 土地財政與信訪
KOROLEV Alexander Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD Regime Responsiveness to Basic Needs : A Dimensional Approach
LI Mingkun Prof. WU Fengshi PhD 列奧‧施特勞斯論自然正當
LV Shupeng Prof. LI Lianjiang PhD 區域因素與公眾對中央政府的信任 – 對中國調查數據的雙層級分析
PENG Lin Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 地震、動員、與中國的政治變化
STEINHARDT Christoph Prof. LI Lianjiang PhD Speaking about the Unspeakable: The Evolution of Political Discourse on Popular Protest in Contemporary China
WANG Fang Prof. LI Lianjiang PhD 中國地方官員籍貫與當地公共物品提供
LEE Kin-chung Prof. ZHAN Jing MPhil 中國外交策略的演變 : 以北韓核問題及六方會談為例
TANG Kai-yi Prof. MA Shu-yun MPhil Social Reform by a "Laissez-Faire" Government : A Case Study of Hong Kong's Hospital Reform in the 1960s
JIN Shuai Prof. LI Lianjiang MPhil The Desirability and Feasibility of Democracy in the Eyes of Private Entrepreneurs in China


Name Supervisor Programme Title
LI Zhen Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 通過試驗建立制度 : 以中國城管體制為案例的研究
LIANG Xuecun Prof. Michael C. DVAIS PhD A Tense Time : Explaining and Understanding Contemporary Chinese Nationalism
WEI Yingjie Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 主權與治權 : 新疆生產建設兵團研究
XIA Ying Prof. KUAN Hsin-chi PhD Citizenship in Practice : “Post-80” Activists in Hong Kong
LI Ho-fai Prof. MA Shu-yun MPhil The Politics of Heritage Conservation in a Southeast Asian Post-Colonial City : The Case of Georgetown in Penang, Malaysia
MA Pak-wah Prof. MA Shu-yun MPhil 香港的空間運動: 緣起、過程與結果 (1994-2007)


Name Supervisor Programme Title
DENG Yanhua Prof. LI Lianjiang PhD 中國農村的環保抗爭 : 以華鎮事件為例
LIU Chun Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 中國城市公共爭議中的個人、社會與國家—以深圳為例
XIE Zhikui Prof. TSAO King-kwun PhD 正式制度、非正式制度與公共行政的制度化--以中國的土地行政為例
CHAN Ka-ho Prof. CHOW Po-chung MPhil Two Tensions between the Principle of Social Justice and Compassion as the Account of Motivation in the Capabilities Approach
CHEUNG Hin-wah Prof. ZHAN Jing MPhil The Government-religious group relations in Hong Kong : A Case Stud of the Education Reform
CHU Juan Prof. WU Fengshi MPhil 中國水電工程決策過程的開放化- 怒江水霸爭議再考察


Name Supervisor Programme Title
OU Shujun Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 國家認證能力研究
ZHANG Nandiyang Prof. LI Lianjiang PhD 中國抗爭政治中的謠言與動員 – 以義和團與五四運動為主線
CHAN Wai-shun Prof. Peter PRESTON MPhil Defining Europe – The Implications of European Neighbourhood Policy
DUAN Haiyan Prof. ZHAN Jing MPhil The Impact of Fiscal Transfer on Public Goods Provision : Cross County Analysis of Shanxi Province, China 1994-2005
TANG Kin-yat Prof. Wilson WONG Wai-ho MPhil Electoral Coordination of Opposition in Competitive Authoritarian Regime : A Case of Hong Kong
TSE Fuk-ying Prof. MA Ngok MPhil 在勞動彈性化背景下的香港工會組織
WONG Ho-yin Prof. Peter PRESTON MPhil Internal Coherence and Electoral Performance of the Democratic Party of Japan : Party Organization and Media
WONG Wai-man Prof. WU Fengshi MPhil International Environmental Non-governmental Organizations in Local Politics : Comparing the Different Structures of Greenpeace Networks in Solid Toxic Waste Campaign in the Philippines and China


Name Supervisor Programme Title
FAN Peng Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 轉型社會中的國家強制 – 改革開放時期中國警察研究
HUANG Dongya Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 轉變中的工商所: 1949年後國家基礎權力的演變及其邏輯
LIU Peng Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 從指令型國家走向監管型國家 – 基於中國藥品安全管理體制變遷的案例研究
TIAN Lei Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 蘇魯劃界: 微山湖糾紛的政治過程 (1953-2003)
CHUNG Lok-wai Prof. WU Fengshi MPhil Epistemic Community Matters : How did the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Influence the Economic Reform in North Korea?
LO Ho-man Prof. CHOW Po-chung MPhil Desert and Nozick's Entitlement Theory : A Reconciliation
LUK Ching-yuen Prof. Wilson WONG Wai-ho MPhil The Impact of Leadership and Stakeholders on the Success/Failure of E-government Services in Hong Kong


Name Supervisor Programme Title
HE Jianyu Prof. WANG Shaoguang PhD 現代化、轉型、政策波動與社團發展—中國社團革命的政治經濟學
CHEUNG Wang Prof. NIOU Ming-shyr MPhil A Study of the Hong Kong Ombudsman from the Perspective of Functionalism
LAW Wai-hin Prof. Peter PRESTON MPhil New International Political Economy and the Greater Pearl River Delta
OU Antony Prof. KUAN Hsin-chi MPhil Just War and the Confucian Classics : An Analysis of Gongyanzuan
WANG Jing Prof. LI Lianjiang MPhil China’s Labor Regime in the Context of Corporate Social Responsibility : The Experience of a Social Organization


Name Supervisor Programme Title
LEE Ka-kiu Prof. MA Shu-yun PhD 天安門廣場1919-1959 : 空間的政治性是怎樣建立起的? –兼論政治學的空間理論
CHAN Chun-kit Prof. Wilson WONG Wai-ho MPhil Voice But Not Exit : The Role of Loyalty in the Political Participation of Young Middle Class in Hong Kong
CHEUNG Kin-hang Prof. WANG Shaoguang MPhil Institution, Institutional Experience and Trust


Name Supervisor Programme Title
POON Kit Prof. KUAN Hsin-chi PhD Mission Impossible? The Dual Accountability of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR
CHAN Chi-yuen Prof. KUAN Hsin-chi MPhil The Politics of Political Accountability in Hong Kong
SO Ming-hang Prof. Wilson WONG Wai-ho MPhil Mainstream or Alternative? The RTHK Coverage of the 2004 Legislative Council Election Compared with the Commercial Broadcaster
LEE Chun-wing Prof. Eliza LEE Wing-yee MPhil Social Movement and Identity: Right of Abode Seekers in Hong Kong
XIA Xiang Prof. WANG Shaoguang MPhil The Relationship Between Private Business Associations and the State – A Case in Shanghai