Star Project Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

star project

睿星計劃包含三大範疇,分別是學長計劃(Mentorship Programme)、實習計劃(Internship Programme)以及探索計劃(Exploration Programme),為政政系同學提供各方面的能力培訓和實踐機會,提升同學的批判思考能力和領導才能等。睿星計劃為現時中大唯一一個由學生負責安排實習及學長計劃的組織,行政、文書等工作由學生一手包辦,顧問教授提供極大的自由度與空間讓學生獨立運作。歷屆幹事皆表示,在睿星計劃所得之經驗,使他們受益不淺。


學長計劃(Mentorship Programme)



實習計劃(Internship Programme)



探索計劃(Exploration Programme)







  • 徐英偉 (民政事務局局長政治助理)
  • 陳維安 (立法會秘書長)
  • 劉慧卿 (民主黨主席)
  • 余若薇 (公民黨主席)
  • 莊耀洸 (本系畢業生、香港教育學院高級專任導師)
  • 關信基 (本系榮休教授)
  • 國際特赦組織
  • 綠色和平
  • 香港融樂會
  • 立法會何秀蘭議員辦事處
  • 立法會曾鈺成議員辦事處
  • 民主黨


What is Star Project?

Star Project is a student organisation supervised and directly sponsored by the Department. "Integrate knowledge with experience" is the spirit that it aims to achieve. It is composed of 3 programmes: the Star Mentorship Programme, the Star Internship Programme and the Star Exploration Programme.


Project Aims:

  • Broadening students' horizon through internships in different sectors, like public sector, legal firms and non-governmental organisations.
  • Equipping our students with real and concrete working experience
  • Establishing relationships among companies and students
  • Combining what we learn from daily life and applying our knowledge learnt in class


2008/09 Advisors:

Prof. Jeremiah WONG Kui-hung (Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of GPA, CUHK)


Star Internship Programme

Quality Selection

Applicants have to pass a pre-selection stage where their general qualifications, attitudes and reasons for joining the scheme are identified and assessed. They are invited to attend a formal interview involving both our Department's professors and honorary advisors. They are assessed on the following aspects:
  • Academic Qualification
  • Extra-curricular activities and work experience
  • Reasons for participating in the programme
  • Working attitude and adaptability
  • Language ability and I.T. skills
  • Personal and Interpersonal Skills


Candidates' Profile

Our candidates are a group of self-motivated and all-rounded university students possessing the following skills and background:
Academic Backgrounds
Courses offered by our Department provide comprehensive and in-depth training in politics, public administration, law and research, and computer capabilities.
The following are some examples of courses for reference:

 Study Field


Analysis and Research Methodology
  • Political Analysis
  • Legal System and Method
  • Political Research Methodology
  • Quantitative Research
  • Political Theory
  • International Politics
  • Globalisation and Politics
  • Introduction to Political Economy
  • Democratisation
  • Politics and Mass Media
 Area Study
  • Government of Hong Kong
  • Government ad Politics of China
  • Topics in Taiwan Studies
  • Democracies in the West
 Asian Studies
  • Political Economy in Asia
  • Asia International Relations
  • Asian Comparative Politics
  • Institution and Reform in China
 Public Administration
  • Public Human Resources Management
  • Public Finance and Budgeting
  • Parliamentary Practices and Procedures
  • Government and Business
  • Public Policy Studies
  • Criminal Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Public International Law
  • Law and Public Administration
  • Economic and Civil Law of China

Language Ability

During the formal interview, the proficiency of spoken English and Putonghua of candidates are assessed. Our candidates should be articulate and have attained satisfactory results in language subjects in public exams.

Technological and Other Skills

These include programming skills, database management, research skills, graphic design etc. All candidates should have passed the Information and Technology Test arranged by the University.

Broad Range of Extra Curricular Activities

Our students should have actively participated in a variety of activities in secondary schools, inside and outside university, ranging from leadership training, international conferences, social community services, to sports. Our candidates are expected to be young leaders with excellent interpersonal and organisational skills.

Work Experience

Previous working experience is reviewed and proved for corporate reference.


Your Benefits

By participating in Star Project, your company can:
  • Develop the ability to think from different perspectives
  • Access self-motivated university students who can bring impacts to your company.
  • Establish connection with our Department and exchange views.
  • Achieve cost-effectiveness and need not invest much for training.
  • Gain goodwill by offering local students an opportunity to work and bring the knowledge back to campus


Star Mentorship Programme


The mentorship process will provide an opportunity for our students to connect to selected mentors who are knowledgeable about life, whereby our students will learn to appreciate the wisdom of life while establishing their own ideals, goals and values. The mentors are volunteers and will help our students make successful transitions to the changing job market and to develop as a responsible person. 

Our Expectations for the mentors and mentees

Our candidates are a group of self-motivated and all-rounded university students possessing the following skills and background:



Respect the confidentiality of the relationship Respect the confidentiality of the relationship
Be a willing participant in the programme Be a willing participant in the programme
Set clear expectations for the relationship Set clear expectations for the relationship
Be aware of the 'power' and 'influence' your position gives you and that it may affect how your mentee first approaches you Look at your mentor as an individual with experience to help you
Act as a sounding board - listen, empathise, and guide mentee towards productive solutions Be willing to discuss business-related issues
Provide advice but recognise that advice may not always be followed Accept responsibility for your own development and success
Act as a role model Acquire professional knowledge
Expand mentee's network across organisation Identify developmental needs
Share personal experiences and stories (positive AND negative) to help resolve similar issues Be willing to share performance feedback (positive AND negative) from peers and managers
Balance between the 'need-to-know and the 'nice-to-know' information Balance between the 'need-to-know; and the 'nice-to-know' information

Make meetings with mentee a high priority

Understand that consistency is essential to building a relationship

Understanding the frequency of meeting depends on the schedule of both parties
Communicate openly Communicate openly
Provide honest feedback and observations Ask for and accept feedback
Learn to see the organisation through your mentee's eyes Learn to see the organisation through your mentor's eyes
Learn to see the organisation through your mentor's eyes Follow your mentor's advice and report back 
Take time to know your mentee Take time to know your mentor
Evaluate the relationship to maintain a positive atmosphere Evaluate the relationship to maintain a positive atmosphere



The Programme will be implemented in October every year. The official duration of the programme is one year. Mentors and mentees may extend the period on voluntarily basis.



All GPA students, regardless of their year of attendance, are eligible to apply for the programme. Learning from different mentors is beneficial to both their learning and personal development. The Programme is not credit-bearing.


Grouping and Matching

Each mentor will pair up with 1 to 3 students depending on availability of the mentors. Applicants have to pass a pre-selection stage where their general qualifications, attitudes and reasons for joining the scheme are identified and assessed.