GPA Society Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

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The Three Missions

To act as a platform for students to socialise

We aim at facilitating communication between the students, administrative staff and professors of our Department by delivering the opinions of students. Also, functions and leisure activities will be held to create a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for learning.

To exchange ideas and cooperate with other societies in the Faculty of Social Sciences

As a part of the Faculty of Social Science, our role within the Faculty will be further enforced through co-operations with other societies so as to stimulate exchange of ideas between our Department and others Departments. This can both expand the social network of members of our society and strengthen our cooperative relationship in the Faculty such that we will be able to be more aware of issues regarding the Faculty and the future development of the community we live in.

To show our care to the community and put what we have learnt into action

Dr. Sun Yat-sen had once said "politics is the issue of everyone" and we are aware of our responsibility to put our knowledge and moral duties into action. Undoubtedly, we are looking into the face of the turning point of the history of Hong Kong. As university students, we strongly believe that staying in the ivory tower and being detached to the everyday world as the "elite" group of the generation is not an option. Instead, we should understand and care about what is happening around us. Therefore, we pledge to provide channels for our members to learn more about our community through different activities.