Projects Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK
Corporate Sustainability Engagement and Corporate Performance: An Examination of Listed Companies in the Greater China Region
Principal Investigator:Prof. Carlos Lo Wing Hung Year: 2019-20 Funder: RIF
Tracing “traces” of the Umbrella Movement: Transformative Experience and Abeyance Structures
Principal Investigator:Prof. Ma Ngok Year: 2019-20 Funder: GRF
A Longitudinal and Comparative Study of Environmental NGOs’ Policy Advocacy in Authoritarian China
Principal Investigator:Prof. Carlos Lo Wing Hung Year: 2019-20 Funder: GRF
Territorial Governance and FDI in China
Principal Investigator:Prof. Pierre Landry Year: 2018/19 Funder: GRF
Informal Institutions and Information Politics in Authoritarian Regimes: Theory and Evidence from China
Principal Investigator:Prof. Jiang Junyan Year: 2018/19 Funder: ECS
Group Solidarity and Peasant Protests in China
Principal Investigator:Prof. Chen Xi Year: 2017/18 Funder: GRF
Social Media and Political Participation of the Youth in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator:Prof. Wong Wilson Wai-ho Year: 2017/18 Funder: GRF
Mapping the Repertoire of Emotions and their Communicative Functions in Face-to-face Diplomacy
Principal Investigator:Prof. Wong Seanon Year: 2017/18 Funder: GRF
An Empirical Study of Social/Political Trust in Post-Occupy Hong Kong through World Values Survey
Principal Investigator:Prof. Ma Shu-yun Year: 2016/17 Funder: GRF
Functional Elections, Legislative Performance, and Sectoral Intervention in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator:Prof. Ma Ngok Year: 2016/17 Funder: GRF
Resource Curse and State Intervention: The Case of China
Principal Investigator:Prof. Zhan Jing Vivian Year: 2015/16 Funder: GRF
The Collusion Between Political Elites and Popular Activists in Contemporary China
Principal Investigator:Prof. Li Lianjiang Year: 2015/16 Funder: GRF
Political Movements and Democratic Values in Hong Kong: The Asian Barometer Survey Wave IV
Principal Investigator:Prof. Ma Ngok Year: 2015/16 Funder: GRF
Food safety regulation in China: a regulatory regime perspective from the food business angle
Principal Investigator:Prof. Chu May Year: 2015/16 Funder: ECS
Politicization of Policy Advisors and Externalization of Policy Advice in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator:Prof. Li Wei Year: 2015/16 Funder: ECS