最新消息 香港中文大學政治與行政學系

A thematic talk for international undergraduate admissions organized by Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, was held on 19 May 2020.


CUHK Thematic Talk Series for International Undergraduate Admissions

Topic: Strategies for a Successful Interview

Speaker: Dr. James F. Downes, Head of Admissions and PR Committee, Department of Government and Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science

You may find the whole session of the talk HERE


For more information about the international undergraduate admission in CUHK and Faculty of Social Science, please refer to below links.

CUHK International Undergraduate Admissions: http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/   

CUHK Faculty of Social Science: https://socsc.cuhk.edu.hk/ 


Thematic talk series James

GPAD infoday banner

[CUHK Virtual Information Day 2020]

The Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions will be held on 10 October 2020 (Saturday) from 9 am to 6 pm. Due to the pandemic, the activity will take place via the virtual fair platform. By visiting the virtual booth of the Department of Government and Public Administration, information regarding the undergraduate curriculum, GPA scholarships, exchange and internship programmes, alongside GPA student life will be diversely presented via interactive games, videos and texts.

All are welcome to register on Information Day virtual platform via Here


Admission Talks

We are also glad to announce that GPA is going to organize 4 admission talks as well as live chat session on the event day. The talks include the introduction of GPA, student sharing alongside Q&A sessions. Please find more information about the admission talks below and please register Here


Admission Talk Session 1

Time: 10:30am – 11:30am

Language: English

Speaker: Prof. Carlos Lo (GPA Department Head)

Admission Talk Session 2

Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm

Language: English

Speaker: Dr. James F. Downes (Lecturer, Head of Undergraduate Admissions and Publicity Panel, GPA Department)

Admission Talk Session 3

Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Language: Cantonese

Speaker: Prof. Ma Ngok (Associate Professor, GPA Department)

Admission Talk Session 4

Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Language: Cantonese

Speaker: Prof. Chow Po Chung (Associate Professor, GPA Department)


Live Chat with GPA admission team and our student ambassadors

You can chat online with our GPA admissions team and our student ambassadors from 10am - 5:30pm. 


Instagram Live Session "Q and A in GPA"

2 live sessions "Q and A in GPA" will be organized by our student ambassadors via Instagram.


Q and A in GPA session 1

Time:  12:35pm – 1:15pm

Q and A in GPA session 2

Time: 2:35pm – 3:15pm


Click Below Poster and Register Online Now!
 2020 CUHK Virtual Info Day Poster

A live television interview for CNBC on 10 September 2020 by Dr. James Downes.

Caption: A no-deal Brexit is looking increasingly likely, expert says

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJJB4G6OyHY&feature=share

MSN: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/a-no-deal-brexit-is-looking-increasingly-likely-expert-says/vi-BB18TA86?li=BBnb7Kz 

James 20200911

Due to the recent situation of COVID-19, the academic counselling session for new GPA students this year has to go online on 25 Aug 2020.


The session allow you to have better understanding on the academic curriculum, academic honesty, student exchange and related information for you study in CUHK. 


All new-admitted students in 2020 Entry will receive an invitation email from our Department for more details.


For any enquireis, plesae contact Ms. Jasmine YIp at 3943 5431 / Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它.