最新消息 香港中文大學政治與行政學系

Please find the admission talks in order to allow the applicants to understand our undergraduate programmes through online platform.

Speaker in Cantonese video: Prof. Ma Ngok, Associate Professor, Government and Public Administration, CUHK


Speaker in English video: Dr. James Downes, Lecturer, Government and Public Administration, CUHK

20191115 Ted Hopf poster

CUHK International Undergraduate Admissions Application for 2020 Intake is NOW OPEN!

Apply now: http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/international/application-details.html

Learn more: http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/international

Student Sharing: http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/sharing.html

CUHK Flyer for Social Media Undergraduate Admissions 2020 Entry

A live television interview for CNBC on 15 October 2019 by Dr. James Downes.

Caption: Upcoming EU summit won't solve Brexit


james 20191016